Sunday, January 11, 2009


The complexities of life often drown one till certain death. We try to know everything, yet are willing to learn nothing. We attend universities, yet grasp only concepts that bring us riches and learn nothing of real value. We attend philosophy lectures, we learn how NOT to learn. We will attend an evolutionary seminar and soak it up as fact, even when it is ALL [un]educated assumptions. We will listen to what simple, incompetent, stupid, foolish men, who call themselves educated to the highest degree, will say, while we ignore what our Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God HAS said. Where do i get the authority to call these "learned men" fools? You ask. Romans 1:21-22 says, 'Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their FOOLISH heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS" (emphasis added). That is where I get my authority to call these "great learned" evolutionists and atheists (which in reality do not exist) fools. Psalms 14:1 "The fool hath said in his heart, [There is] no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, [there is] none that doeth good." And yet we soak up what they say. What does this make us? Fools of course. Any man who would say there is no God, is in fact a fool. The earth boasts of our father's Glory, and everything in it. Creation screems "Creator!" We look at a building and think, "The builder of theat building was very talented". And we look at creation and think, "Oh, yeah. This all came from an EXPLOSION (and may I add here, that explosions DESTROY, not create?) that came from nowhere and caused matter to be created that eventually broke all the laws of science thousands of times to make life and in many different forms. Yeah big deal. psh!"

I'm going to tell you all a story. Once upon a time, several BILLIONs of years ago, I think about twelve billion to be exact, somewhere out in space, there were two particles (no one knows where these two particles came from, or why they happened to come together in the perfect direction, or how they gained momentum) that sped towards each other at speeds of a greater magnitude than is known to the common man. When they collided they created an aluminum can, perfect with the tab and all. About two billion years of floating around the aluminum can went through an asteroid field and painted red in certain places, not in others. the way it was painted made a beautiful label that said Coke. About a billion years later, a nice sugary brown liquid poured into it and filled it up. That is how we got the coke can. Ridiculous? No. Not if you believe that all living things came from the big bang. Maybe you scoff at the can idea, but why? It is much more logical that something dead could form than something alive.

Are you a "Good Person"? Well let's find out. We will use the Law of God. The Ten Commandments. They are the only holy and just standard. Have you ever lied? (it doesn't matter how white or black the lie. Even answering these questions?) That makes you a liar. Have you ever stolen? (value is irrelevant) That makes you a thief. Have you ever committed adultery? (Jesus said whosoever looks upon a woman to lust, has in his heart, already committed adultery. Sex before marriage counts too) Have you ever murdered? (Jesus said that if you hate, you have already murdered in your heart) Have you ever blasphemed God's Holy name? That is taking your creators name, the one who created your very soul, and using it as a cuss word. (keep in mind this is only five, and there are five more) If you have done any of these, than on judgment day, you will be found guilty before God, and being just, God MUST send you to hell forever.

The Bible commands us to boast of God's glory to the WHOLE world. It is By God's GRACE that we are saved! And we spit in His face! We could never even begin to imagine who our God really is! Oh, when I meet Him face to face. When He says unto me, "Well done good and faithful servant." I will run to Him and wrap my arms around Him, at the same time feeling completely unworthy of being there with Him. Because I am completely unworthy. Yet He loves me! Oh! The joy that my Creator loves ME! And then, he died for ME. He could have packed up thousands of years ago and just wiped us all clean off the face of the earth, and wiped us from His mind. But no, instead He died for us.

But on to other things that are more pleasant of speaking of. It seems that when the rain falls, things come alive. When the sun shines out of the ground things will spring. When we walk into the dark and our eyes don't adjust, we'll fall into a pit and never stop our decent. When we find it hard to breathe and that last breath won't come, we pass from here to there. When we find the end of the road we'll keep walking and fall off the edge of the world. When we find ourselves alone, we find how alone we really have been. It sometimes feels like the world is caving in - It is. We hope for a new day, but when that day comes we become ungrateful. We long for the sunshine at night, we long for night at day. We all want to heal our broken hearts but when they're healed we want to break them. We hold on just so we can let go. We feel broken until we've broke, then we want to go back.
-we don't wanna stop walking because it hurts too much, so we don't walk at all. we don't wanna stop breathing because it hurts too much, so we never took our first breath. we don't wanna stop speaking truth, so we spend all our time telling lies. we feel so lost at night and we don't know who we are, we don't know if we've ever even lived. we don't know how to talk and laugh.

These are the dictionary definitions. I did not add or take away.

Omnipotent - almighty or infinite in power, as God.
Omniscient - having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.
Omnipresent - present everywhere at the same time: the omnipresent God.
Incompetent - not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent candidate.
Simple - not grand or sophisticated; unpretentious: a simple way of life.
Foolish - 1. resulting from or showing a lack of sense; ill-considered; unwise: a foolish action, a foolish speech. 2. lacking forethought or caution. 3. trifling, insignificant, or paltry.

~Daniel Hanson