Thursday, November 13, 2008

As I walk through the snow as it falls in my face, and as I listen to the wind, it seems as if the wind is Jehovah's breath breathing on me. Yet it seems as if I walk through a lost country with no purpose anymore. The feeling inside us is that of contempt and hatred and contempt against our brothers. We listen to our brothers with our ears shut tight and only believe what we want to believe. We will take lies and eat them as if they were cake, but when we are offered truth we literally spit in it's face. Although it's so very blatantly put in front of us as truth and we can easily see that it is truth we will not believe it because it's not in our favor. Or maybe we've become so blind that all we can see are lies.

I get so frustrated sometimes at how stupid Americans have become. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I believe I have done that for long enough. It's time to stand and stand strong. We can not let ourselves be swept away. We must stand against this strong current, this swing to liberalism and Marxism in our country. Oh, I thought I would never see the day when our country would become a communist nation, yet it seems to be just years if not months away. How could we the people let this happen. And yes I hold the people of this country fully responsible, because they are the stupid people who elected our present president elect. I pray in earnest for our country that it will not fail in this time of what seems to be it's greatest trial.

O how I feel I have failed and how my brothers and sisters have failed. Is there never to be a government in the history of the earth that does not grow so powerful that it be becomes corrupt and enslaves it's people? I am only 17 and yet it seems as if our country has decayed into what is just above the level of communism. Our very freedoms are being pried out of our hands, while we sit and watch and and smile. I have never felt so distraught about this. I have never before believed that it would actually come to this. But it has.

Pray with me for our country. Please pray with me for our country. I wouldn't care if I paid twice as much in taxes, but let them not take away our freedoms! Pray my brothers and sisters, for the day in which we live is a very dark day indeed. We must ALL pray as one nations or we will fall divided.


1 comment:

Andrew R. M. Hanson said...

It's sad. I won't stand for a tyrany that will force us into supporting the government as it grows and grows. The government is subject and servant to the people, not the other way around. But the people are gladly accepting their own bondage.