Monday, December 24, 2007

I've been thinking lately, how did we become in such a state of mind as we are in? Christmas is a time of Christ. We've made it a time of hectic comercialized Santa fun. But it really isn't any fun. When do we get a break? We work harder for a month before Christmas, then the whole year, and then on Christmas we have fun... and work... work isn't bad, just over done... I like to enjoy a nice breakfast, I like to enjoy a big nice tasty dinner... but what I don't like is... well... tv... I really don't like it, especially the advertizing... and the shows that would have above g ratings... I may be what some would call old fashioned, but I can't stand sitting in front of a tv for any time longer than about 10 minutes a day, wasting my time away. I enjoy the small things in life, which are the biggest ans best things. Family, friends, quiet times, and peaceful times. I also enjoy good music, rock concerts and malling, basically. But I Truely do NOT enjoy tv. I don't like the paper either.

I like refrigerators, but not microwaves. I enjoy long talks with friends (especially if we're good friends) and would be Spiderman if I could be a super hero... Alrite, I'm tired... But what I've been saying is that The Christmas season is to be filled with joy and family and friends. Not stuff. I'd rather spend time with you than open a present that you got me. Not because I don't like presents, but because I care more about you, and how I can make your day better.

So in this Christmas spirit, go have fun and let the joy of Jesus' birth fill your heart. And don't get me a present to show me that you care about me... Tell me in person. Save yourself the trouble, because the only perfect gift is that of God: Jesus.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Just Came In!

Hey! How y'all? I'm Daniel, and I shall have fun.... or something....